Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Upcoming Hop Growers' Conference!

The Canadian Organic Growers are putting on what promises to be an excellent workshop for anyone interested in growing hops for the Maritime brewing industry. This is an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to get into agriculture, or diversify their crop production. We're hoping to attend with many other established brewers to get a good sense of what's happening and what might soon be possible for all local Maritime brewing...

Growing Hops in the Maritimes
Sunday, April 29
Sackville, NB - Coastal Inn

10:00 Registration
10:30 Getting started (Ron/Julien):
Site preparation
Soil health and fertility
Rhizome and planting stock
Variety selection
Trellis systems
Lunch 12:30-1:00 (soup/sandwich)
Calendar of work for hopyard management (Julien) 1:00-2:00
Testing options (Kevin Shiell and Aaron Mills) 2:15
Welcome brewers to meeting 2:30
Update on Maritime Hop Growers Association (Ashley) 
Processing for hops (Kevin Shiell) 
Discussions on varieties, quantities, quality, volumes etc. 
Next steps
End of meeting 4pm

Ron Godin, Ph.D., Soil Scientist, Hops Agronomist
Ron received his B.S and M.S. in Soil & Water Science from the University of Arizona and his Ph.D. in Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition from Colorado State University. Ron has been growing and researching hops, hop varieties suitable for Colorado and working with hops growers since 2002. He speaks regularly at hops seminars and workshop on his hops work and instructs growers and potential growers on new developments and all aspects of hops production.

Julien Venne, MSc., Hops Agronomist
Julien received his B.Sc and Masters from McGill University in agriculture and environmental sciences. Since 2009, he has been involved as a research agronomist working on hops production technologique agricole de l’Outaouais (CREDETAO). His project aimed at identifying the proper varieties of hops for production under Quebec’s growing conditions. Julien is in the process of publishing a guide on hops production and he is now serving as a consultant to hop growers. Julien has also been a connoisseur of Quebec’s microbrewery scene for the last 10 years and has a great enthusiasm towards the re-introduction of hops in Eastern Canada and the development of local breweries.

Cost is $45/person, including lunch (or $80/couple). Everyone with an interest in growing hops is welcome. Please RSVP by April 25th by emailing or call 506-878-2408. 
This project was founded by the Maritime Hops Grower Association and is funded by the New Brunswick Agricultural Council, PEI ADAPT Council, Nova Scotia Agri-Futures, and the Government of Canada. The project is being managed by Beth McMahon, on behalf of the Canadian Organic Growers (    

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